Interview mit Alia in der Damme-Schule

12.12.2018 - Vor zwei Jahren ist Alia* aus Syrien in den Libanon geflohen. Gemeinsam mit ihrer Mutter und ihren beiden jüngeren Brüdern gingen sie nach Ghazzé, nahe der syrischen Grenze. Seit diesem Sommer nimmt sie an unserem Schulprojekt in Ghazzé teil und erzählt hier ihre Geschichte. (*Name von der Redaktion geändert)
Ausführliche Informationen zu unserem Projekt finden Sie hier.
The below interview is a literal dictation of an interview conducted with Alia on November the 28th, 2018. Provided by Bana Abouricheh Kadi; ALPHA
Because of the war, you and your family had to flee to Lebanon: Who did you leave Syria with and when was that?
I left Syria with my mom and my brothers. I was eight and a half years old and it was around two years ago.
How was that for you? Do you have any memories that you would like to tell?
I felt an emptiness, I felt a loss, I didn't want to come to a foreign and strange country....I didn't want to become a foreigner.
Why do you think you felt like that?
Separation from one's homeland is very difficult.
Can you describe what everyday life was like in Syria?
I remember when I was younger I used to go play with my neighbor's. We used to go every week on day trips to the mountains around us near Yabruk.... we used to go to these areas and spend the day and play and have a picnic and then return home.
The next day we would have school, we would get up and get dressed and we would have prepared our lessons for class from before, and then we would go to school.
I remember that our neighbors were very good to us. I remember that our neighborhood...our houses were all close to each other.....if we ever needed anything we would go to each other, for example if we were sad we would go to our neighbor and talk about it. We used to love each other very much.
I want to tell you about my I lost him in the sad we were that day. We were heartbroken being separated from him.
They came and took him.
We waited for one year hoping he would come back.
In the end the police came to our house and told us that he died.
We were so sad and we cried so much.
After that we left Syria and came to Lebanon.
Now you are living in Lebanon: How is that for you? Where do you live now?
It's very different here....I remember my bedroom and my bed.....I remember the flowers we used to plant outside our house different things.
We used to plant flowers with my father and my mother.
Every summer we used to go get seeds and plant them outside in the garden.
Now we live in an apartment.
There's a big difference from our house in Syria.
In Syria we didn't pay rent because the house was ours.
We didn't have to hear the insults from the landowner like we do here.
He yells at us.
He doesn't let us play outside.
He doesn't fill water for us when there's a water shortage.
His kids throw their trash on our doorstep.
His wife throws her trash in front of our door.
I live with my mother and two younger brothers.
I wish my family could be united again and for my father to be with us once again and to go back to the way things were before.
School was very good - we used to understand everything - we didn't have to go to supplementary school to understand and keep up with school.
Do your parents have work? Do you have enough money for food, clothes etc.
My mother does not work.
I feel there's now alot of expenses. There's not enough money. I didn't feel that in Syria. This will give me strength though and give me a sense of responsibility.
Since when are you in the Damme school?
Since last summer. (Summer 2018)
Do you enjoy the Damme school and is it different to the schools in Syria?
I feel Damma is like my school in Syria.
I feel happy when I'm in Damma....Damma makes me feel safe...I feel happy that I'm learning so that I can build my future.
What do you like most about the school? Do you have a favorite subject or favorite teacher?
I love my teachers at Damma.
My favorite subject is Arabic.
What do you learn at the school?
Today in class the teacher had asked us to write a story about a character and to describe that character internally and externally. For example, what they are like, how they feel, and what they look like.
Are your siblings going there too?
One of my brothers is in Damma, my other brother is still too young.
Do you know what you want to do when you leave school?
No not yet. I have lots of ideas but I change my mind every day.
Would you like to return to Syria? What do you miss most?
Yes, I want very badly to return to Syria. I miss my family the way we were.
What do you think is the key to a good future for you?
Education and learning and strength of my mind.
Ausführliche Informationen zu unserem Projekt finden Sie hier.
The below interview is a literal dictation of an interview conducted with Alia on November the 28th, 2018. Provided by Bana Abouricheh Kadi; ALPHA
Because of the war, you and your family had to flee to Lebanon: Who did you leave Syria with and when was that?
I left Syria with my mom and my brothers. I was eight and a half years old and it was around two years ago.
How was that for you? Do you have any memories that you would like to tell?
I felt an emptiness, I felt a loss, I didn't want to come to a foreign and strange country....I didn't want to become a foreigner.
Why do you think you felt like that?
Separation from one's homeland is very difficult.
Can you describe what everyday life was like in Syria?
I remember when I was younger I used to go play with my neighbor's. We used to go every week on day trips to the mountains around us near Yabruk.... we used to go to these areas and spend the day and play and have a picnic and then return home.
The next day we would have school, we would get up and get dressed and we would have prepared our lessons for class from before, and then we would go to school.
I remember that our neighbors were very good to us. I remember that our neighborhood...our houses were all close to each other.....if we ever needed anything we would go to each other, for example if we were sad we would go to our neighbor and talk about it. We used to love each other very much.
I want to tell you about my I lost him in the sad we were that day. We were heartbroken being separated from him.
They came and took him.
We waited for one year hoping he would come back.
In the end the police came to our house and told us that he died.
We were so sad and we cried so much.
After that we left Syria and came to Lebanon.
Now you are living in Lebanon: How is that for you? Where do you live now?
It's very different here....I remember my bedroom and my bed.....I remember the flowers we used to plant outside our house different things.
We used to plant flowers with my father and my mother.
Every summer we used to go get seeds and plant them outside in the garden.
Now we live in an apartment.
There's a big difference from our house in Syria.
In Syria we didn't pay rent because the house was ours.
We didn't have to hear the insults from the landowner like we do here.
He yells at us.
He doesn't let us play outside.
He doesn't fill water for us when there's a water shortage.
His kids throw their trash on our doorstep.
His wife throws her trash in front of our door.
I live with my mother and two younger brothers.
I wish my family could be united again and for my father to be with us once again and to go back to the way things were before.
School was very good - we used to understand everything - we didn't have to go to supplementary school to understand and keep up with school.
Do your parents have work? Do you have enough money for food, clothes etc.
My mother does not work.
I feel there's now alot of expenses. There's not enough money. I didn't feel that in Syria. This will give me strength though and give me a sense of responsibility.
Since when are you in the Damme school?
Since last summer. (Summer 2018)
Do you enjoy the Damme school and is it different to the schools in Syria?
I feel Damma is like my school in Syria.
I feel happy when I'm in Damma....Damma makes me feel safe...I feel happy that I'm learning so that I can build my future.
What do you like most about the school? Do you have a favorite subject or favorite teacher?
I love my teachers at Damma.
My favorite subject is Arabic.
What do you learn at the school?
Today in class the teacher had asked us to write a story about a character and to describe that character internally and externally. For example, what they are like, how they feel, and what they look like.
Are your siblings going there too?
One of my brothers is in Damma, my other brother is still too young.
Do you know what you want to do when you leave school?
No not yet. I have lots of ideas but I change my mind every day.
Would you like to return to Syria? What do you miss most?
Yes, I want very badly to return to Syria. I miss my family the way we were.
What do you think is the key to a good future for you?
Education and learning and strength of my mind.
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